Drongo Voice Alert Benefits

Wireless Range

Distance from Beam to VoiceAlert can be up to 300m (Line of sight), or 100m through walls

Detection Range

Beams detect 20-25m in front of them with a 90° field of view

Adjustable Zone Patterns

Limit the detection pattern of your sensors by using supplied pattern adjusters, so that you pick up the bad guy and not the good dog.

Custom Alert Messages

Record your own audio messages for each of 6 zones to alert you when they are triggered. E.g "Front yard" / "Wendy House" / "Pool"

Low Battery Alert

Plays a "Low battery" message to alert you if a sensor is running low on juice.

DIY System Set-Up

If you can Facebook, you can set this up. You've got this. We can help you if you get stuck.